Occupational diseases



Prevention and compensation of ocupational diseases will work better by adding them into the official national or even supranational (WHO/ILO, EC) lists of occupational diseases.

For further development of this website (foreign aid for developing countries) readers are invited to contact:

MedDir a. D. Dr. Müsch, Franz H.


Neither the United Nations (WHO / ILO) nor the European Community (EC) are presenting official definitions of occupational diseases for their member states.

Please ask for copies of the German legal version: dr.muesch@occupational-diseases.de.




Albracht G.:
From “Miracle Mineral” to first-rate CARCINOGEN
Asbestos – yesterday, today and tomorrow
Sicherheitsingenieur, 3/2017 3, 1-10

Allen, D., Kazan-Allen, L. (Ed.):
Eternit and the Great Asbestos Trial – A tarnished empire is challenged by its Italian victims
IBAS-International Ban Asbestos Secretariat, London 2012

The Turin Trial
The bulletin from ANDEVa / Italy No. 37, september 2011

Baur, X.:
Asbestos: Socio-legal and Scientific Controversies and Unsound Science in the Context of the Worldwide Asbestos Tragedy
DOI 10.1055/s-0042-103580 Pneumologie 2016

Bonneterre, V., Faisandier, L., Bicout, D., Bernardet, C., Piollat, J., Ameille, J., de Clavière, C., Aptel, M., Lasfargues, G., de Gaudemaris, R.:
Programmed health surveillance and detection of emerging diseases in occupational health: contribution of the French national occupational disease surveillance and prevention network (RNV3P).
Occup. Environ. Med. 2010 ; 67 (3): 178-186.

Bonneterre, V., Bicout, D. J., Larabi, L., Bernardet, C., Maitre, A., Tubert-Bitter, P., de Gaudemaris, R.:
Detection of emerging diseases in occupational health : usefulness and limitations of the application of pharmacovigilance methods to the database of the French Occupational Disease Surveillance and Prevention network (RNV3P).
Occup. Environ. Med. 2008; 65 (1): 32-7.

Delin, B.:
Your body at work
Tryckindustri AB, Solna 1984

European Commission (Ed.):
Publication document thumbnail
Information notices on occupational diseases: a guide to diagnosis
(Observers: Dr. Franz Müsch, Representative of the Government Group)
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg 2009

European Commission (Ed.):
Information notices on diagnosis of occupational diseases
Office for official publications: Report EUR 14768 EN, Luxembourg 1997

European Commission (Ed.):
Work and health / Scientific basis of progress in the working environment
International Conference 22 to 25 February 1993, Copenhagen, Denmark
Partizipant: Medizinaldir. Dr.  F. H. Muesch, Bundesarbeitsministerium Bonn
Office for Official Publications: Report EUR 15980 EN, Luxembourg 1995

Faisandier, L., Bonneterre, V., De Gaudemaris, R., Bicout, D.:
Occupational Exposome: a network-based approach for characterizing occupational health problems.
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Hueper, W. C.:
Medicolegal Considerations of Occupational Cancers
In: Lawyers` Medical Cyclopedia (Frankel, C. J. / ed.)
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International Labour Office (Ed.):
The Prevention of Occupational Diseases
<2 million workers killed every year.>
www.ilo.org/safework; 2013

International Labour Office (Ed.):
An ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work
ILO, Geneva 2001/2003

International Labour Office (Ed.):
Recording and notification of…occupational diseases and ILO-list of occupational diseases
ILO-Report V (2B), Geneva 2002

2 M people die yearly due to work-related diseases
<The report, titled “The Prevention of Occupational Diseases” said work-related illnesses kill six times as many people as on-the-job accidents but tend to attract less attention.>
The Philippine Star,

Leigh, J. et al.:
Global Burden of Disease…Due to Occupational Factors
EPIDEMIOLOGY, 626- 631, 1999

Munich Re (Ed.):
Workers´ Compensation – Analysis of private and public systems
Order number: English 302-02765 (2000)

Munich Re (Ed.):
Occupational diseases – How are they covered under worker`s compensation systems?
Order number: English 302-03056 (2002)

Munich Re (Ed.):
Occupational diseases – Are they insurable?
Order number 302-04280 (2004)

Munich Re (Ed.):
Economic incentives: A reflection on workers` compensation systems
Order number 302-04733 (2005)

Munich Re (Ed.):
Asbestos: Anatomy of a mass tort

Order number 302-06142 (2009/2012)

Notenbomer, A. et al.
Associations of work ability with frequent and long-term sickness absence
Occup. Med. (Lond), 373-379, 2015 

Helmut Valentin and the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Erlangen, Bavaria
In: Blanc, P. D., Dolan, B. (Ed.): At Work in The World
University of California, San Francisco 2012

World Health Organization (Ed.):
Early Detection of Occupational Diseases
WHO 1987, ISBN-13: 978-9241542111

World Health Organization (Ed.):
Strengthening of health surveillance of working population
The use of international classification of diseases (ICD 10) in occupational health

(Annex II/Participants: Dr. F. H. Müsch, Germany)
Report WHO/OCH/98.1, Geneva 1998


Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsmedizin und Arbeitsschutz (Ed.):
Safe and Sound
Guide to Hearing-Conservation in the Music- and Entertainment-Industry(Authors:…Brockt, Brusis, Fendel, Heger, Müsch et al.)
BAuA, Berlin/Dortmund 2011

Michel, O., Brusis, T.:
Noise induced hearing loss in agriculture
DOI: 10.17147/ASUI.2015-07-13-02


Vyas, M. V. et al.:
Shift work and vascular events: systematic review and meta-analysis
BMJ. 2012; 345:e4800


Diepgen, T. L., Mahler, V.:
The edidemiology of skin cancer
Br. J. Dermatol, Suppl., 1-6, 2002

Seckin, D. et al.:
Can topical calcipotriol be a treatment alternative in actinic keratoses? A preliminary report.
J. Drugs Dermatol., 451-454, 2009


Bovenzi, M., Hulshoff, C.T.J.:
An updated review of epidemiologic studies on the relationship between exposure to whole-body vibrations and low back pain
J. Sound and Vibration, 215, 4, 595-611 (1998)

Dupuis, H.:
Medical and occupational preconditions for vibration-induced spinal disorders: occupational disease no. 2110 in Germany
Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health 66/1994, 303-308

Johanning, E.:
Whole-body vibration-related health disorders in
occupational medicine – an international comparison
⌈Figure 2. Number of WBV occupational disease claims and ‘accepted’ cases under BK 2110 in Germany from 1995 to 2013 (GeneralIndustry)⌋
Ergonomics, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00140139.2015.1005170

Koukoulaki, Th.:
Workers´ exposure to vibrations: council common position
TUTB Newsletter 17/2001, 16-18

Miosh, S. R.:
An epidemiological study of selected risk factors associated with low back pain amongst refuse truck drivers in the eThekwini Municipality
Thesis 2005, Faculty of Health, Durban Institute of Technology

Müsch, F. H.:
Lumbar syndrome by stochastic vibrations and shocks

Part I: Lumbar syndrome caused by „whole body“- vibration
(A poster presentation / please ask for copies: dr.muesch@occupational-diseases.de)

Part II: Disc-related lumbar spine disorders resulting from many years of predominantely vertical impact of „whole body“- vibrations when seated which forced the employee to discontinue any activities that were or could have been the cause for the onset, the aggravation or the reappearence of the disease
(Fact sheet concerning occupational disease no. 2110 of the Annex to the German Occupational Diseases Ordinance / please ask for copies: dr.muesch@occupational-diseases.de)

Putz, R.:
The vertebral column – A phylogenetic Failure?
Clinical Anatomy 9:205-212 (1996)

Ruppe, K., Mucke, R.:
Functional Disorders at the Spine after longlasting Whole-Body-Vibration

In: Nielson, R., Jorgensen, K. (Ed.) :
Advances In Industrial Ergonomics And Safety V / Taylor & Francis, 1993

Seidel, H.:
On the Relationship between Whole-body Vibration Exposure and Spinal Health Risk
Industrial Health 2005; 43, 361-377

Stayner, R. M.:
Whole-body vibration and shock

BildergebnisHSE Books



Lotti, M., Bleecker, M. L. (Edit.):
Occupational Neurology
Elsevier, Edinburgh 2015


Baur, X.:
Asbestos: Socio-legal and Scientific Controversies and Unsound Science in the Context of the Worldwide Asbestos Tragedy
DOI 10.1055/s-0042-103580 Pneumologie 2016

Blanc, P. D. et al.:
The Occupational Burden of Nonmalignant Respiratory Diseases. An Official American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society Statement
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Vol. 199, No. 11 | Jun 01, 2019

Brusis, T.:
From the Expert`s Office: Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Larynx from Intensive and Longlasting Occupational Exposure to Aerosols of Sulfic Acid
Laryngo-Rhino-Otol, 323-325, 2012

Cherot-Kornobis, N. et al.:
Induced sputum, exhaled NO and breath condensate in occupational medicine
Occup. Environ. Med., 922-927, 2012

Gawlitza, Joshua et al.:
Finding the right spot: Where to measure airway parameters in patients with COPD
European Journal of Radiology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2018.05.003

Jansing, P. J., Chanda, R., Gore, C., Küpper, Th.:
Profiles of occupational exposure in patients with wood dust-induced nasal carcinoma
Int J Occup Med Environ Health 16(4):329-35 (2003) PMID 14964642

Kreuzer, M. et al.
Mortality from cancers of the extra-thoracic airways in relation to radon
progeny in the Wismut cohort, 1946 – 2008
International Journal of Radiation Biology, 1030–1035, 2014

Lorenz, K. J.:
Pulmonary Rehabilitation after Laryngectomy
UNI-MED Science, 2013

Martinez, F. J. et al.:
A new approach for identifying patients with undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 Mar 15;195(6):748-756. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201603-0622OC.
„question (…) 1. Have you (…) worked in a place with dirty or polluted air (…)?“

Merchant, J. A. (Ed.):
Occupational respiratory diseases
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 86-102, 1986

Margolin, S. B. et al.:
Removal of interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (asbestos-induced) by oral chemotherapy with pirfenidone.
Fed Proc 1982;41:1150

Opitz, I.:

Improving Mesothelioma Patients Outcomes by Early Non-Invasive Diagnosis

II  Management of malignant pleural mesothelioma—The European experience
J Thorac Dis. 2014 May; 6(Suppl 2): S238–S252, doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2014.05.03, PMCID: PMC4032963

Sennekamp, J. et al.:
Work-related extrinsic allergic alveolitis
Cave: More informations  about „304.01 Extrinsic allergic alveolites“ one can find in „Information notices on occupational diseases: a guide to diagnosis.“ European Commission (Ed.) – s. above!

Sennekamp, H. J.:
Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis / Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis
Dustri, München – Orlando 2004

Zander, T. , A. Hofmann, A. Staratschek-Jox, S. Classen, S. Debey-Pascher, D. Eggle, S. Ansén, M. Hahn, M. Beyer, R.K. Thomas, B. Gathof, C. Mauch, K.-S. Delank, W. Engel-Riedel, H.-E. Wichmann, E. Stoelben, J.L. Schultze, J. Wolf:
Blood-based gene expression signatures in non-small cell lung cancer

Clinical Cancer Research, 3360-7, 2011.


Lelbach, W. K.:
A 25-Year Follow-Up Study of Heavily Exposed Vinyl Chloride Workers in Germany
Am. J. of Ind. Med. 29:446-458 (1996)


Feinendegen, L. E.:

Health Phys. 110(3):276–280; 2016

Feinendegen, L. E. et al.:
Hormesis by Low Dose Radiation Effects
In: R. P. Baum (ed.), Therapeutic Nuclear Medicine, Medical Radiology. Radiation Oncology, DOI: 10.1007/174_2012_686,  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Published Online: 10 August 2012

Feinendegen, L. E.:
Evidence for beneficial low level radiation effects and radiation hormesis
British Journal of Radiology (2005) 78, 3-7

Feinendegen, L. E. et al. (Eds.):
Molecular Nuclear Medicine
Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York 2003

Feinendegen, L. E. et al.:
Health Physics, 247-259, 2011

Tubiana, M., Feinendegen, L. E. et al.:
The linear no-treshold relationship is inconsistent with radiation biologic and experimental data
Radiology, 13-22, 2009

Zablotska, L. B. et al.:
Analysis of mortality among Canadian nuclear power industry workers after chronic low-dose exposure to ionizing radiation.
Radiat Res 2004; 161: 633-641


(„No entity without identity“, Quine 1969)

Seidler, A. et al.:
Work related lesions of the supraspinatus tendon: a case control study
Int. Arch. Occup. Envir. Health (Epub ahead of print)


Popp, F. A.:

A very significant correlation between carcinogenic activity of polycyclic hydrocarbons and certain properties of their transition states in the range of the lowest triplet states of the DNA
Arch. Geschwulstforsch. 1977; 47: 97-105


Prasher, D.:
Heavy metals and noise exposure: Health effects
Noise & Health, 141-144, 2009


German Occupational Diseases Ordinance, Annex 1
List of occupational diseases
BAuA, Berlin

Congresses / Conferences


Friday, Sept. 25th 2015, 4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m., Room: Jade 1

WS 5: Early diagnosis of pleural mesothelioma


Franz Müsch/Cologne, Isabelle Opitz/Zurich

Radiological point of view

Dag Wormanns/Berlin

Pathological point of view

Annette FisselerEckhoff/Wiesbaden

Surgical point of view

Servet Bölükbas/Wuppertal


33th International Congress for Occupational Safety and Health
Düsseldorf 2013

New scientific recommendations concerning occupational diseases and strategies for their practical implementation

BMAS and „DGUV e. V.“ (5. November 2013, 14:00 – 17:00)

14:20 – 14:40
Vascular hand injury caused by mechanical shock
Prof. Stephan Dr. Letzel, Institute of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine of the „Johannes Gutenberg“- University, Mainz

14:40 – 15:00
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Prof. Bernd Dr. Hartmann, Hamburg

15:50 – 16:10
Laryngeal cancer caused by aerosols containing sulphuric acid
Frank Dr. Sladeczek, Merseburg

16:10 – 16:30
Skin cancer
Prof. Hans Dr. Drexler, Institute and Out-Patient Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine of the „Friedrich Alexander“- University, Erlangen-Nuremberg

www.AplusA.de / Kongress2013@basi.de


International Labour Conference, 98th Session

International Labour Office:
HIV/AIDS and the world of work
(Participant: MedDir Dr. Müsch)
Bild in Originalgröße anzeigen


ILO, Geneva 2009


29th International Congress for Occupational Safety and Health,
Düsseldorf 2005

Occupational diseases – European developments

Müsch, F. H. (Chair):
Introduction (Please ask for copies: dr.muesch@occupational-diseases.de)

Alvarez-Hidalgo, F. J.:
The European List of Occupational diseases

Heuchert, G.:
The European List of Occupational diseases from the industrial Medicine`s Point of view

Kranig, A. (Chair):
Comparative Studies on Occupational Diseases in Europe

Raschke, U.:
Compensation of Occupational Diseases in Europe of 25




10th International ILO-Conference on Respiratory Diseases (ICORD)
Peking 2005

Bildergebnis für ilo beijing 2005 icord

Keynote Presentation

Müsch, F. H., Woitowitz, H. J.:
Occupational Lung Cancer – what is new?
(Please ask for copies: dr.muesch@occupational-diseases.de)

Working Groups

Müsch, F. H.:
Occupational Respiratory Cancer – A governmental approach
<In Germany occupational diseases are …governed by statutory provisions and the involved medical circumstances are made subject to scientific examinations.>
(Please ask for copies: dr.muesch@occupational-diseases.de)

Organizers: International Labour Office (ILO) / Ministery of Health of China



WHO – Consultation on Strengthening of Health Surveillance of Working Populations, Geneva 1998

The use of international classification of diseases (ICD 10) in occupational health

Müsch, F. H.:
Health surveillance, recording and notification of occupational diseases…experience of Germany


Organization: Occupational Health Unit: Dr. M .I. Mikheev


International Meeting of governmental representatives,
Montreal 1996

Foundation of an“International Centre for the Prevention of Occupational Respiratory Diseases (ICPORD)“

Müsch, F. H.:
The Prevention of Occupational Respiratory Diseases

Organizers: Ministry of Labour (Ottawa), WHO, ILO, ICOOH


Work and health / Scientific basis of progress in the working environment
International Conference 22 to 25 February 1993, Copenhagen, Denmark
Partizipant: Medizinaldir. Dr.  F. H. Muesch, Bundesarbeitsministerium, D-5300 Bonn



„Anders ist die Situation in den Ländern der Dritten Welt und den aufstrebenden Industrienationen. Es häufen sich die Berichte über schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen, die an die hier beschriebenen Verhältnisse im Ruhrkohlenbergbau bis 1952 erinnern. Die Arbeiter sind vielfältigen Gesundheitsgefahren ausgesetzt, die zwangsläufig zu schweren Krankheiten, Arbeitsunfähigkeit und einem vorzeitigen Tod führen. Die Betroffenen haben meist keine Aussicht auf eine Entschädigung. Es ist zu hoffen, dass in diesen Ländern die Regulierung der Berufskrankheiten schneller verschärft wird, als dies in Deutschland mit der Silikose der Fall war. Andernfalls ist davon auszugehen, dass die Zahl der Opfer von Berufskrankheiten weiter steigt.“ (Christian Schürmann, WHU-Dissertation, Vallendar 2010).



„…Verschwinden des Personalpronomens der zweiten Person Singular aus dem englischen Sprachgebrauch, nämlich des Wortes „THOU“, einen größeren Umsturz bedeutet haben mag…einer grammatischen Gleichmacherei zum Opfer gefallen…“ (Erwin Chargaff 1980).

„Nur der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika wegen obwaltet vom Piloten-Slang bis zum Kongreß-Jargon das Englische.“ (Zit. nach R. Finkenstein, FAZ 2011).

„…und Englisch singe alli Lit, ohne ze wisse was es als beditt!“ (Alsation folksong from Isabelle G.).


In personal memory: Operation Thunderclap

10. März 2015

Operation Thunderclap

 Von der Schulstraße in Rositz (Thüringen) bis … „

Heilige Messe in der Katholischen Pfarrkirche
„Mutter Gottes vom Berge Karmel“
10. März 2015 / 8:30 Uhr
04617 Rositz, Altenburger Str. 20

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